- Mathematica 7 bold axes numbers how to#
- Mathematica 7 bold axes numbers code#
- Mathematica 7 bold axes numbers trial#
Trial and error is likely the best solution to find the values you need with base graphics. The trick is to find the value for the left margin and the value of 'line' in the title() call that allows the axis tick marks and the axis label to not overlap. Fortunately this is easy to do using the following code: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rc('font', size10) controls default text size plt.rc('axes', titlesize10) fontsize of the title plt.rc('axes. Number Theory: Fermat s Last Theorem Exercise 4.7: A primitive Pythagorean triple is one in which any two of the three numbers. Often you may want to change the font sizes of various elements on a Matplotlib plot.
Mathematica 7 bold axes numbers how to#
The greater the values of 'line' the farther from the plot the label is drawn. How to Change Font Sizes on a Matplotlib Plot. Here I used line 4.5, but 5 would work also. Then when we draw the y-axis label using title(), we specify which line (of the 7) to draw the label at: title(ylab = "Loss of Percent Organic Matter per Year", cex.lab = 1.5,
Mathematica 7 bold axes numbers code#
The line above shows the defaults, so the code gives 2 more lines on the left margin than usually provided by default. What we do is save the original graphical parameters in object op, and change the margin sizes (in numbers of lines) to be 5, 7, 4, 2 + 0.1 lines each for the bottom, left, top, right margins respectively.

Use whichever routine that gives your eye the better image. The following routine outputs the original rendering first, and then repeats that with coordinate axes. So we've created more space for the margin of the plot on side 2, and then drawn the axes and the annotation ( ylab) separately to control how the plot is spaced out. 7.5 10 y-2 0 2 z 2 Out19 SurfaceGraphics As before, it is possible to add coordinate axes, at the expense of complicating the code. Title(ylab = "Loss of Percent Organic Matter per Year", cex.lab = 1.5, # now draw the y-axis annotation on a different line out from the plot Now plot: # draw the plot but without annotationīoxplot(OM ~ Depth, data = dat, axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE)Īxis(1, at = 1:4, labels = c(" ", "Shallow", "Deep", " "), cex.axis = 1.5) Dat <- ame(Depth = sample(c(3:6), 20, replace = TRUE), OM = 5 * runif(20))Īdd some room for the y-axis labels and annotations, by making the margin bigger on the left hand side of the plot ( side = 2): # margin for side 2 is 7 lines in size